First: PAR is an amazing work. Thank you!

I've a issue with the LWP/https support. Any help would be great.

I've created the next file

use warnings;
use strict;

my $a=LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $echo=$a->get('');

if($echo->is_sucess){print "OK-connected\n";}
else{print "Error-not connected\n";}*

If I execute: *perl*, everything works as expected. It returns *OK

If I create the exe: *pp -o sample.exe  *then sample.exe, returns
*Error-not connected*

I tried loading modules looking for dependencies: -M LWP -M Crypt::SSLeay
without success.

I'm using Windows 7, with Perl 5.10 and PAR-Packer 1.006


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