Well, at the end you were right… scandeps.pl return after some 40 minutes…
And my pp script terminate also after a long time.

I tried the –cd File option with pp and received an error, something like 
“cannot write to FILE, permission denied”, whether I gave a relative or an 
absolute path to an existing directory.

That’s a file name I have to give ?



From: roderich.sch...@gmail.com [mailto:roderich.sch...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Roderich Schupp
Sent: mardi, 19. août 2014 09:32
To: RAPPAZ Francois
Subject: Re: packaging a script that uses DBIx::Class

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:05 AM, RAPPAZ Francois 
<francois.rap...@unifr.ch<mailto:francois.rap...@unifr.ch>> wrote:
My « scandeps.pl<http://scandeps.pl> –V test.pl<http://test.pl> » is running 
for half an hour without any output…
I must miss something somewhere …

I have Module::Scandeps version 1.07

How can I solve this ?

First, upgrade to the latest version of Module::ScanDeps:)
If that doesn't solve the problem stick the following line into 
Module/ScanDeps.pm (around line 770)

sub scan_file{
    my $file = shift;
    my %found;
    my $FH;
    open $FH, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
    print STDERR "scan_file $file ...\n";                    # <---

and repeat the above test while capturing stderr.
Check if there are duplicate lines in the output.

Cheers, Roderich

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