On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Harald Jörg <harald.jo...@arcor.de> wrote:

So I thought that I could just
>    use lib 'foo';
in my source, and then drop the plugins to directory 'foo'.  To my
> disappointment, this fails, the modules aren't found. Drats.
> To my utter surprise, I got it working like this:
>    use lib 'foo';
>    use lib 'bar';
> ...and then dropping the plugins to 'foo'.  Now the questions:

>    * is that intended / accidental behaviour?

That's definitely a bug, please submit a bug report to rt.cpan.org (in
queue PAR::Packer).

I'm able to reproduce this. On first examination, lib::import() is
definitely called twice
and does the right thing (ie. prepending 'foo' and 'bar' to @INC), but then
'foo' vanishes
from @INC. Might be some weird side effect of local'izing @INC.

I've managed to overcome some
> pitfalls (missing DLLs, dynamic loading of modules which Scandeps can't
> find), but there's still one thing I don't understand, and Google didn't
> point me into an explanation so far.

If these are public modules (ie. they are on CPAN), please
consider submitting bugs
for these as well (queue Module::ScanDeps).

Cheers, Roderich

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