
I have a GUI application (written in Tcl::pTk) compiled as an executable
for macOS (Mojave). On some machines I get the following error (I can not
replicate it on mine) which I think may be related to pp/PAR and not with
the rest of the software (but I may be wrong). Could somebody point me to
the right direction?

Tcl::pTk::Error: Illegal division by zero at (eval 183) line 37.

    while executing
"if {$catchVal != 0} {
                        if { $retVal != "_TK_BREAK_\n" } { # BREAK returns
are not errors
    (command bound to event)

 Error Started at script/MYPROGRAM.pl line 206.

 Stack Trace:
  at Tcl/pTk.pm line 923.
  eval {...} called at Tcl/pTk.pm line 923
  Tcl::pTk::DoOneEvent(Tcl::pTk=SCALAR(0x7fcff0f88698), 0) called at
Tcl/pTk.pm line 906
  Tcl::pTk::MainLoop() called at script/MYPROGRAM.pl line 206
  require main called at
/Users/we/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.1/lib/site_perl/5.26.1/PAR.pm line
  PAR::_run_member(Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember=HASH(0x7fcfec6621f0), 1)
called at script/main.pl line 26
  require main called at
/Users/we/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.1/lib/site_perl/5.26.1/PAR.pm line
  PAR::_run_member(Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember=HASH(0x7fcfec6624d8)) called
at /Users/we/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.1/lib/site_perl/5.26.1/PAR.pm
line 432
  PAR::import("PAR") called at -e line 585
  eval {...} called at -e line 41
  __par_pl::BEGIN() called at script/MYPROGRAM.pl line 0
  eval {...} called at script/MYPROGRAM.pl line 0

By the way, why is the application trying to call something in
"Users/we/perl5/perlbrew" which is a path in the machine where I compiled
the application?

Thank you for any suggestion

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