I have a CTH 8.1 dataset that I'm loading up using a development version of Paraview. When I load up the data and use the "Extract CTH Parts" filter, everything seems to work fine with the exception of some unexpected holes in the resulting geometry. Due to the shape of the holes, I'd say that it looks like Paraview is not collecting all of the extracted features from the servers. I have a build from the CVS repository from April that works fine - but the builds I have from August CVS downloads have the missing geometry/holes. So, at this point, I don't know if it a problem with the CTH reader, the "Extract CTH Parts" filter, or some oddity of OpenMPI that I built against.

Just to verify that the data itself is OK, I've done a couple of tests:
- if I load up the data running only 1 pvserver, the geometry looks fine, although quite slow to load! 8-) - if I create a slice through the original geometry on the at the same location as one of the holes, the resulting clip plane is correct.

Any recent changes to either the CTH reader or CTH part extract function that might explain this?

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