Dear all,


A few questions:


1.      I can find the code for the Ensight writer, but I can't seem to
actually find how to write an ensight file from paraview. Am I missing
2.      I am unable to install paraview cvs on Ubuntu Hardy Heron, I
receive a string of errors within ccmake, has anyone had success with
3.      I am trying to run paraview in parallel on openSUSE 10.3. this
is my output:


> mpirun -np 8 /usr/local/bin/pvserver


Libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.


libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.


[0,1,6]: uDAPL on host couch was unable to find any NICs.

Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in

lower performance.



[0,1,0]: OpenIB on host couch was unable to find any HCAs.

Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in

lower performance.




Listen on port: 11111

Waiting for client...


what does this mean?

Any help appreciated.



Best Regards


Dr. Nathanael Inkson,


Computational Fluid Dynamics Developer,

Digital Flow Solutions,


mob:  +  44 7872010167





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