Sorry for the confusion. i'll try to explain more on my situation.
the first example show that the pvserver is "launchable" when it only
involves one machine as the pvserver.
i could connect to it using any binary version of  paraview client from any

at the second example, i'm trying to run a parallel server using 2 machines.

added the mpi bin directory PATH in my bashrc file and came out with
following konsole lines:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installer/ParaView-3.4.0_build/bin> mpirun -hostfile
> ../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/etc/quadcore_frodo -np 6 ./pvserver
> --use-offscreen-rendering
> **Password:
> **[][0,1,1][btl_tcp_endpoint.c:572:mca_btl_tcp_endpoint_complete_connect]
> connect() failed with errno=110
> **[][0,1,3][btl_tcp_endpoint.c:572:mca_btl_tcp_endpoint_complete_connect]
> connect() failed with errno=110*

then the machine just fails to give any response.
when pressed with "control c" the following shows:

> mpirun: killing job...
*mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 20731 on node exited
> on signal 15 (Terminated).
> 5 additional processes aborted (not shown)*

 Any ideas what going on?


On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 12:08 AM, John M. Patchett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 6, 2008, at 8:34 AM, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
> I am a bit confused by your question.  Are you saying the first example
> works and the second does not?  I am also confused by what you are trying to
> set up.  Are you trying to run the server on one of your machines and the
> client on the other, or are you trying to run a parallel server using both
> machines?
> In the second example, it looks like your OpenMPI install is messed up.  In
> the 4th line (1st error), it complains about not finding orted, which is a
> daemon that the OpenMPI version of mpirun uses to launch processes.  It does
> not look like pvserver is being run at all.
> I think Ken is correct.  It would appear that you don't have your bash
> environment set up correctly.  You need to have in your .profile or .bashrc
> or .something that is read when OpenMPI launches your job, the path to the
> mpi bin directory.
> the LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set to your OpenMPI lib directory.  You can
> test that the PATH component is  set correctly for your type of login by
> running a command like:
> ssh which mpirun
> The LD_LIBRARY_PATH will become obvious once your pvserver executable is
> actually launched.
> (The man page for bash on your system should explain what order the dot
> files are read in for interactive and non interactive shells...)
> At the very very end of this mail I'm pasting the show output of a very
> (very) old openmpi environment modules ...
> Hope this helps,
> -John.
> I cannot claim to have a lot of experience in setting up MPI installs,
> especially ones on heterogeneous nodes like you are setting up.  My advice
> would be to first make sure that you can launch a job "locally" on each
> machine, then try to launch a job only one the opposite computer (i.e.
> launch only on the 32 bit machine from the 64 bit machine and vice versa),
> and then finally launch a single job on both.
> -Ken
> On 11/6/08 1:32 AM, "yewyong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i managed to compile the paraview 3.4.0 in both a 64bit dual core machine
> and a 32bit quad core machine.
> having trouble starting the pvserver when linking 2 machines. Below are the
> konsole lines..
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installer/ParaView-3.4.0_build/bin>
> ../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/bin/mpirun -hostfile
> ../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/etc/frodo -np 2 ./pvserver
> --use-offscreen-rendering
> Listen on port: 11111
> Waiting for client...
> ^Cmpirun: killing job...
> *
> *mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 27000 on node <
>>  exited on signal 15 (Terminated).
> 1 additional process aborted (not shown)
> *
> everything looks good when there is no linking of 2 machines. (this is the
> 64bit dual core machine)
> but,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/installer/ParaView-3.4.0_build/bin>
> ../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/bin/mpirun -hostfile
> ../../openmpi-1.2.8_build/etc/frodo_quadcore -np 6 ./pvserver
> --use-offscreen-rendering
> Password:
> bash: orted: command not found
> [frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
> base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 275
> [frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file pls_rsh_module.c at
> line 1166
> [frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file errmgr_hnp.c at line
> 90
> [frodo:27009] ERROR: A daemon on node <>
>  failed to start as expected.
> [frodo:27009] ERROR: There may be more information available from
> [frodo:27009] ERROR: the remote shell (see above).
> [frodo:27009] ERROR: The daemon exited unexpectedly with status 127.
> [frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file
> base/pls_base_orted_cmds.c at line 188
> [frodo:27009] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Timeout in file pls_rsh_module.c at
> line 1198
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons for this job. Returned
> value Timeout instead of ORTE_SUCCESS.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> i can't start the pvserver when involving 2 machines.
> <>  = 64bit dual core
> <>  = 32bit quad core
> Anyone faced this before?
> Thanks in advance for helping.
> Cheers,
> yewyong
>    ****      Kenneth Moreland
>     ***      Sandia National Laboratories
> ***********
> *** *** ***  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> **  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
>     ***      fax:   (505) 845-0833
> _______________________________________________
> ParaView mailing list
> [dq001 ~]$module show openmpi
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> /usr/local/Modules/modulefiles/openmpi/1.0.1curr:
> prepend-path     PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/bin
> prepend-path     MANPATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/man
> prepend-path     LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib
> prepend-path     LIBRARY_PATH /usr/mellanox/lib
> prepend-path     PATH /usr/mellanox/bin
> prepend-path     CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/include
> prepend-path     C_INCLUDE_PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/include
> prepend-path     LIBRARY_PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib
> prepend-path     LIBRARY_PATH /usr/mellanox/lib
> setenv           MPI_ROOT
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install
> setenv           LDLIBS -lmpi
> setenv           PV_MPI_INCLUDE_PATH
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/include/openmpi/ompi
> setenv           PV_MPI_LIBRARY
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libmpi.a
> setenv           PV_MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY
> /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libmpi_cxx.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libopal.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/liborte.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libmpi.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libmpi_cxx.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/libopal.a;/usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/lib/liborte.a;/usr/lib64/libutil.a
> /usr/lib64/libc.a
> setenv           PV_MPI_NUMPROC_FLAG -np
> setenv           PV_MPIRUN
> /usr/local/packages/openmpi/current/installs/mpi_get_ompi_1.0/mpi_install_infiniband/install/bin/mpirun
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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