Hi Jens,
I would think that each pvserver process would have to be able to detect that it was in a lengthy wait state because it sure would suck to have an MPI_Wait in the middle of each send/recv pair during compositing ... And it would probably be difficult to handle the tiled display communication. The design of a solution might not be so straight forward .... I think, you would have to first decide that it really is a problem versus cost of doing business.

On Dec 5, 2008, at 9:53 AM, Jens wrote:

Hi John,

thought about this problem again...

A solution could be
a)to use MPI_IRecv/MPI_Wait instead of MPI_Recv.

If that results in the same 100% cpu for the MPI_Wait-command,
b) it could be a solution to add a wait()/sleep() just beweeen MPI_IRecv
and MPI_Wait.
How long this wait/sleep would be could depend
a) on the time the function MPI_Wait takes to return.
b) or on some value send by process 0 (process 0 could send other
processes to sleep for a while)

What do you think?


John M. Patchett schrieb:
Hi Jens,
  Your pvserver is probably waiting on an MPI_Recv and your MPI
implementation is spinning.
You will note that process 0 probably isn't doing this, as the other
nodes are waiting on process 0 to send.
I have searched this problem all the way to the MPI developers as it's
easy to replicate without paraview and the MPI guys assure me the
alternatives are worse.

On Dec 5, 2008, at 8:42 AM, Jens wrote:


if I run "mpirun -np 4 ./pvserver" on our cluster-node and connect from
my client, this pvserver always shows 100% cpu usage - even if I do
nothing at the client.

Seems to me as if there is a loop waiting for the client to ask for
action - but this loop is calling no wait/sleep function.

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