
Just an idea: It seems that the error message warns about typo... Are
you sure it is "translation" and not "Translation" ?



2009/1/13 Jorge Mario Mazo <jmm.mecan...@gmail.com>:
> I'm trying to use the TransformFilter
> but I do not know how to set the paramater for the filter
> help(servermanager.filters.TransformFilter)
> did not say much
> just
> ################################
>  SetPropertyWithName(self, pname, arg)
>  |      Generic method for setting the value of a property.
> #############################################
> fig.ListProperties()
> ['Input', 'Transform']
> fig.GetProperty('Transform')
> Property name= Transform value = None
> I  tried
>  fig.SetPropertyWithName('translation', [1,0,0])
>>>> fig.SetPropertyWithName('translation',[1,0,0])
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>  File 
> "/Users/jmazo/ParaView-3.4.0/Build/Utilities/VTKPythonWrapping/paraview/servermanager.py",
> line 162, in SetPropertyWithName
>    raise exceptions.RuntimeError, "Property %s does not exist. Please
> check the property name for typos." % pname
> RuntimeError: Property translation does not exist. Please check the
> property name for typos.
> same happened for rotation, scaling
> So i'm totally lost
> thanks in advance!
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