
I have written a Writer-Plugin and after (at last) successfully compiling and 
linking it within Paraview, I tried to load it with the PluginManager,
and in the Paraview/build/bin directory I found my libVdcWriter.so, but loading 
fails. I get the error message: "libVdcWriter.so: no such file or directory"
But the file is in the build/bin - directory, the plugin-manager-browser found 
Does anyone know what could be the problem here? Is it possible that I missed 
to link something, any library from paraview so that this plugin can be loaded?

and by the way, a stupid question: linux .so - files are equivalent to windows 
.dll-files, true? so while I´m loading my plugins as .dlls in windows, with 
linux they have the ending .so, right? 

thx a lot,
Natalie Happenhofer

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