Glenn, Berk,

I have compiled the paraview 3.5 CVS code with Qt4.5 - I changed the
main CMakeLists.txt to allow for Qt4.5 - line 111:

                STRING(REGEX MATCH "^4\\.5\\.[0-9]+" qt_version4_5_tmp
        IF (NOT qt_version4_5_tmp)
          MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "Qt ${QTVERSION} not supported.  Please
use Qt 4.3 (you may need to clean your dirtied cache).")
#       ELSE (NOT qt_version4_5_tmp)
#         MESSAGE("WARNING: You are using Qt ${QTVERSION}. Officially
supported version is Qt 4.3")
        ENDIF (NOT qt_version4_5_tmp)
#      ELSE (NOT qt_version4_4_tmp)
#        MESSAGE("WARNING: You are using Qt ${QTVERSION}. Officially
supported version is Qt 4.3")

The only issue so far has been adding the QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll -
receive error message:

"The plugin QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll uses an incompatible Qt library.
(Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)"

Looking at the message, it maybe that I built Qt4.5 in release mode
and Paraview 3.5.0 in debug mode - I have not had a chance to verify.

Also, define the PV_PLUGIN_PATH to be the location of the executable -
all the plugins are placed in the paraview.exe folder and not in a
plugins subfolder when doing a debug build with VS2008.


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Berk Geveci <> wrote:
> Yes. After we release 3.6, we are going to move to Qt 4.5 as quickly
> as we can. It should work with Qt 4.5 now btw. It is not tested
> though. Let us know if you run into any issues.
> -berk
> On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Glenn Tarbox, PhD <> wrote:
>> When trying to compile the Paraview the other day, it complained about not
>> working with Qt 4.5.  I'm guessing this is in the works but figured I'd
>> ask.  I don't really have the option of going back to 4.4 or 4.3...
>> thanks,
>> -glenn
>> --
>> *** Note: New Number
>> Glenn H. Tarbox, PhD ||  206-274-6919
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