Hello List,

I have a custom object panel for a custom filter plugin, and wish to add some functionality to it.

In particular, I wish to programmatically

1.  set the colorBy scalar in the variableToolbar
2.  set the min/max range for the colorScalarBar
3.  turn on the colorScalarBar legend visibility

At the time my accept method is run, (when the user clicks accept), the filter's output has not yet been filled (since the RequestData has not yet been issued), and the view has not yet been opened. Hence I do not have a pipeLineRepresentation in hand. With a very distasteful hack I have used the timer to trigger a slot method 1 second later, at which time the view is filled and the dataRepresentation is available. I imagine there must be some Qt or pq trigger fired when a new view has been created or when a new pipeLineRepresentation has been added to the pipeLine, but I have not yet been able to find it.

If I physically interact with the gui by clicking the 'Toggle Color Legend Visibility' QtToolButton in the variableToolbar, the color legend is displayed and a pqScalarBarRepresentation object is created and available through the core::ServerManager. But I cannot figure out how to programmatically 'click' this QtToolButton. Once the pqScalarBarRepresentation is created, performing 1 and 2 above is not too difficult. Anybody have any hints for me?

Thanks, Chris
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