I am working with one of my customers viewing an Exodus dataset generated by Alegra(?) using 256p. The dataset loads fine, but seems to have an issue at the processor boundaries. When viewing the dataset using something like a clip plane or isosurface, the data seems to be "slipped" (or offset) at each processor boundary - that is, there appears to be a hard edge at each processor boundary. Unfortunately, I'm not able to post an image that represents the problem.

I'm not familiar with the Exodus data format, but it looks like it could be an issue associate with ghost cells. Either there are no ghost cells at the processor boundary layer, or they're possibly being mismanaged? Curiously enough, this is the first time we've noticed this problem after processing quite a few Exodus datasets. We're using the latest production version of Paraview (3.4) and we've also been able to duplicate the issue with other visualization tools, so we think this is a problem with this particular Exodus dataset, if not the Exodus format in general.

Any ideas?

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