Hi Alex,

I am moving this discussion to the ParaView mailing list. Please send
your questions/answers there instead of to me directly.

I am not sure what the problem is. The script looks fine at fist
glance. Did you try to get a stack trace by running in a debugger? Or
can you try to comment out portions of the code to try to locate where
the crash occurs?


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Alex Lopez<al...@eng.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear Berk,
> I finally install the latest version of Paraview, it is better.
> I run the script I copied below with your help.
> I finally have a segmentation fault.
> Do you have any idea
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best
> Alex
> #! /usr/bin/pvpython
> # import paraview stuff
> import paraview
> from paraview import servermanager as sm
> # connect internally
> connection=sm.Connect()
> # Set the pvpython path
> INPUTFILE = "/home/al564/Documents/wo_ghostnodes/cube.vtu"
> OUTPUTFILE = "/home/al564/Documents/wo_ghostnodes/cube_data.vtu"
> # create a reader
> reader = sm.sources.XMLUnstructuredGridReader( FileName=INPUTFILE )
> # get the data i.e moves data from the server to the client
> data = sm.Fetch( reader )
> # get the points
> points = data.GetPoints()
> # number of points
> npoints = points.GetNumberOfPoints()
> # get displacements
> pdata = data.GetPointData()
> displ = pdata.GetArray( 0 )
> # array of points type
> newPoints = paraview.vtk.vtkPoints()
> # add
> for i in range(npoints):
>    coord = points.GetPoint(i)
>    x,y,z = coord[:3]
>    uvec  = displ.GetTuple3(i)
>    u,v,w = uvec[:3]
>    newPoints.InsertPoint(i, x+u, y+v, z+w)
> data.SetPoints( newPoints )
> print data
> #data is a vtkobject
> f = open('/home/al564/Documents/wo_ghostnodes/trivialproducer.xml', 'r')
> parser = sm.vtkSMXMLParser()
> parser.Parse(f.read())
> parser.ProcessConfiguration(sm.vtkSMObject.GetProxyManager())
> # Update the modules
> sm.updateModules()
> tp = sm.sources.TrivialProducer()
> obj = tp.GetClientSideObject()
> obj.SetOutput(data)
> writer = sm.writers.XMLUnstructuredGridWriter(DataMode = 0,
> FileName = OUTPUTFILE, Input = tp)
> # this writes the output.
> writer.UpdatePipeline()
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