Just a simple (and probably silly) doubt:

When animating 2 datasets with different time scales simultaneously, is
ParaView able to synchronize the frames? For example, let's suppose we load
2 datasets with the following timestep distributions:

DS1: 1 (0.0), 2 (0.5), 3 (1.0)

DS2: 1 (0.0), 2 (0.25), 3 (0.5), 4 (0.75), 5 (1.0)

where in n (t), n is the time step number and t is the corresponding time
value. Both datasets finish at the same time instant (t = 1.0) but the "time
resolution" was clearly different. In this (easy) case, how does ParaView
create the movie? Does it interpolate the missing frames for the dataset 1?

Thanks for any clarification

Renato N. Elias
High Performance Computing Center (NACAD)
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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