Good afternoon,

I'm tryig to get a fully functional paraview installation based on qt cocoa 64. Here are the steps that I have followed :

0) Compile a fresh version of cmake-2.6.4
1) Compile QT with Cocoa option and arch x86_64 / this worked without problem 2) Configure paraview using BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON, CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES:STRING=x86_64, VTK_USE_CARBON:BOOL=OFF and

When re-running cmake to take into account my new settings, VTK_USE_CARBON switches back to ON and VTK_USE_COCOA to OFF.
However, my qt cocoa flavor is found by cmake ;

-- Looking for QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
-- Looking for QT_MAC_USE_COCOA - found
-- Found Qt-Version 4.5.2

What is the problem here / it seems that ParaView does want to use cocoa ???

Thanks !

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