
I'm bumping up this old thread now that PV 3.6.2 has been released.
Any chance the development files for 3.6.2 can be made available, too,
to ease the task of providing plugins for the official binary releases?


Berk Geveci wrote, On 01.09.2009 13:13:
> We are going to try to provide binaries for development with 3.6.2.
> -berk
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:27 PM, burlen<burlen.lor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sven,
>> I think the binary releases could include the development files as there is
>> a build option for this, I don't know if that's currently being done with
>> the releases though.
>> your link errors may be because the released binary is built with
>> VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS set OFF. While your local compile is built with it set ON.
>> Try setting it to OFF. You can probably verify this with something like:
>> nm -C /my/path/libvtkFiltering.so | grep vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell
>> if your version demangles to long and the binary version demangles to int
>> then this is your issue.
>> Burlen
>> Sven Buijssen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any news on an easier way to build plugins against the official
>>> releases? 4 months ago Berk mentioned those plans in a reply to a user
>>> posting here.
>>> The reason I'm asking is that I've been compiling the ParaView 3.6.1
>>> sources over and over again in the last days on a variety of 64-bit
>>> Linux machines (exactly the one listed on
>>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView_Binaries, i.e. a Debian Lenny
>>> 5.0.1 with system gcc 4.3.2, system libc 2.6.26-1-amd64, system python
>>> 2.5.2 and a self-compiled Qt 4.3.5 open source and a self compiled CMake
>>> 2.6.4, freshly set up for exactly this purpose; but also on SuSE Linux
>>> Enterprise 10 SP2, openSuSE 10.x, openSuSE 11.x, Ubuntu 8.10, Ubuntu
>>> 9.04, again everytime with Qt 4.3.5, cmake 2.6.4, gcc 4.3.2, python
>>> 2.5.2) to be able to compile my custom reader plugin against it.
>>> The custom reader plugin works smoothly in all self-compiled binaries
>>> (3.6.1, but also older and newer sources from CVS), but as soon as I try
>>> to use that plugin with the official 3.6.1 binaries, ParaView segfaults.
>>> Reason behind is that the official release contains in
>>> lib/paraview-3.6/libvtkFiltering.so.pv3.6 the symbol
>>>  _ZN19vtkUnstructuredGrid14InsertNextCellEixPx
>>> but every time I compile the sources the method InsertNextCell in
>>> VTK/Filtering/vtkUnstructuredGrid.cxx gets turned into a symbol slightly
>>> differently named:
>>>  _ZN19vtkUnstructuredGrid14InsertNextCellEixPx
>>> On 32 bit Linux, I have been able to get a working custom reader plugin
>>> for the official release.
>>> On Mac, I get "not a valid qt plugin" upon loading the plugin into the
>>> official binary. Compiling on Windows I haven't embarked on yet, but
>>> given the success rate so far I'm reluctant to do so.
>>> So, I'm wondering if there is no easier way to turn my little custom
>>> reader into a plugin working with the official binaries.
>>> Thank you
>>> Sven
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