Correction- if it is the first call to Render() after importing
paraview.simple, ResetCamera() is called automatically.

If you want to disable this behavior in your local build, comment out
lines 152 and 153 in Utilities/VTKPythoWrapping/paraview/


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:57 PM, pat marion <> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> This is by design.  When calling Render() from python, if this is the
> _first_ render for this render window, ResetCamera() is called
> automatically.  Your script will work if you insert a Render() before
> you set the camera position.
> When Berk first wrote the paraview.simple api he wanted to avoid this 
> scenario:
>  Newbie user creates their data and calls Render(), but sees a black
> screen because he/she forget to call ResetCamera().
> But now we have this scenario:
>  Advanced user carefully sets the camera properties and calls
> Render() only to find the camera reset :(
> I vote we change behavior.
> Pat
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Eric E. Monson <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First of all, I've been playing around with the new python interface and 
>> trace functionality in PV, and it's really a great improvement!
>> But... :) It seems like the first time I run a macro (from the PV python 
>> shell "Run selected" button) which contains some camera adjustments, the 
>> camera gets reset at the end. If I delete all of the pipeline elements and 
>> run it again without restarting PV or pressing Disconnect, the scene ends up 
>> with the correct camera settings. If I disconnect before running it again, 
>> the "reset at end" behavior is repeated. The same thing happens when running 
>> in ipython, outside of PV.
>> Here's a sample script -- if the camera settings are correct you should not 
>> see space around the group of glyphed points (it is zoomed in a bit on the 
>> cluster):
>> # =============================
>> try: paraview.simple
>> except: from paraview.simple import *
>> PointSource2 = PointSource()
>> PointSource2.Radius = 200.0
>> PointSource2.NumberOfPoints = 100
>> Glyph1 = Glyph( GlyphType="Sphere" )
>> Glyph1.MaskPoints = 0
>> Glyph1.RandomMode = 0
>> Glyph1.SetScaleFactor = 1.0
>> Glyph1.ScaleMode = 'off'
>> Glyph1.Orient = 0
>> Glyph1.GlyphType.Radius = 5.0
>> DataRepresentation2 = Show()
>> RenderView1 = GetRenderView()
>> RenderView1.CameraViewUp = [0.01, 1.0, -0.06]
>> RenderView1.CameraPosition = [37.0, 190.5, 640.7]
>> RenderView1.CameraClippingRange = [91.9, 1018.7]
>> Render()
>> # =============================
>> The main problem is that this keeps me from using the python macros like the 
>> old lookmarks because I don't get a repeatable camera view right after 
>> starting up PV.
>> I'm using CVS ParaView from Jan 19 on OS X 10.6.2 built with CMake 
>> 2.9.20100113.
>> Thanks,
>> -Eric
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Eric E Monson
>> Duke Visualization Technology Group
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