Hey Stephane,

It comes close to working for me if I do the Custom Filter thing, but not quite 
-- what problems are you seeing if you try to do this?

When I'm trying to create a Custom Filter out of the sources & filters you 
specified (no inputs, append filter output and exposing the text entry line 
edits in the panel) I get an error when I hit Finish:

Warning: In 
 line 1451
vtkSMCompoundSourceProxy (0x120fe05f0): Proxy AppendDatasets1 already exists. 

And then when I try to load this custom filter (really a source) from an 
exported .cpd file in Python and use it, the 0 and 1 actually show up in the 3D 
view, but nothing shows up in the Pipeline Browser and I get this error:

Representation could not locate the pqPipelineSource object  for the input 

If I try to use this custom source from the Sources menu, I get these errors:

 line 727
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x11c4b2270): Input port 0 of algorithm 
vtkAppendFilter(0x11c4b0fe0) has 0 connections but is not optional.

 line 756
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x11c4b4780): Algorithm 
vtkTransformFilter(0x11c4b2380) returned failure for request: vtkInformation 
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 74590
Reference Count: 1
Registered Events: (none)

 line 756
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x11c4b5cf0): Algorithm 
vtkTransformFilter(0x11c4b3e10) returned failure for request: vtkInformation 
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 74601
Reference Count: 1
Registered Events: (none)

but the digits show up in the 3D view and after that I can change the text, etc.

I get similar behavior if I try to make a Custom Source out of a Cone plus a 
Sphere and an Append Datasets filter, but no Transform filters (same "Proxy 
AppendDatasets1 already exists" and "vtkAppendFilter has 0 connections but is 
not optional" errors as above), so there may just be some sort of bug with 
trying to use an Append filter in a Custom Source...?

I also get the same behavior and same "Representation could not locate the..." 
error even when trying to display a very simple (a customized cone) custom 
source from Python (even though this one works fine from the Sources menu). 
Maybe problems with Custom Sources from Python, too...?

Talk to you later,

Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

On Jul 9, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Stephane PLOIX wrote:

> Hi, 
> I have made a script that creates a bunch of sources and filters (to use as 
> legends), and finishes by an append filter to which everything is appended. 
> Only this last append filter has a representation. 
> I would like to have only one entry in the pipeline browser for the last 
> append filter, and completely hide the steps used to create the legend, is it 
> possible from python? 
> If I try to encapsulate all this in a custom filter to show only the append 
> filter as output, it does not work either.
> Thanks, 
> Stephane
> typical script : 
> text0 = a3DText() 
> text0.Text = "0" 
> trans0 = Transform() 
> trans0.Transform = "Transform" 
> trans0.Transform.Scale = [1, 1, 1] 
> trans0.Transform.Translate = [0, 0, 0] 
> text1 = a3DText() 
> text1.Text = "1" 
> trans1 = Transform() 
> trans1.Transform = "Transform" 
> trans1.Transform.Scale = [1, 1, 1] 
> trans1.Transform.Translate = [1, 0, 0] 
> append = AppendDatasets( Input=[trans0, trans1] ) 
> pres = Show(append) 
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