On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Andy Bauer <andy.ba...@kitware.com> wrote:
> Use the calculator filter to create a vector array from the coordinates,
> then point to cell data, then integrate attributes to get the result divided
> by the volume/area to give the desired input to the transform filter.
> Andy

In the Calculator Filter I set
Attribute Mode = Point Data
Unchecked "Coordinate Results"
Result Array Name = coords
Selected "coords" from the "Vectors" drop down list

I now see that 'coords' is an array in the output.

When I run the "Integrate Variables" filter on the Calculator Filter
output, the result is just (0,0,0).

I know you said to run the "Integrate Attributes" filter, but that is
not in my Filters list. I looked in my ParaView source folder and I do
indeed have vtkIntegraetAttributes.cxx. Any reason why this wouldn't
show up in the filters list?


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