On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Xueli Wang <w...@knmi.nl> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a question over reading an image file into Paraview. I have a png
> file of world map in latlon projection. But the data I have is a global data
> which should be visualized on a globe. Does anyone know whether the latlon
> image file can be converted in a globe and plot the data on top of it? I
> tried this in Paraview, the image and the data appear in two different
> window...
> Thanks in advance!
> Xueli Wang

I think what you're seeing is that the default behavior is to open an
image in a 2D window. Try closing the window that opens when you open
the image, and then making the image data visible (with the little
eyeball in the pipeline inspector) when the focus is back in the
window with your other data.

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