
I don't know to post this in the paraview or the xdmf mailing list.

I have a very simple xdmf file, with 2D constant rectilinear mesh:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Xdmf Version="2.0" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; >
<Domain Name="tests/Ascii.pxdmf">
<Grid Name="PGD1" >
<Information Name="Dims" Value="1"  />
<Information Name="Dim0" Value="x"  />
<Topology TopologyType="2DCORECTMESH" Dimensions="3 2" />
<Geometry GeometryType="Origin_DxDy">
<DataItem  Format="XML" NumberType="float" Dimensions="2">
        0.0 0.0
<DataItem  Format="XML" NumberType="float" Dimensions="2">
        10.0 10.0
<Attribute Name="dep_x" Center="Node"  AttributeType="Scalar" >
<DataItem  Format="XML" NumberType="float" Dimensions="4 3">
        1         2  7
        3         4  8
        5        6  9
        10     11 12
<Attribute Name="Sigma" Center="Cell"  AttributeType="Scalar" >
<DataItem  Format="XML" NumberType="float" Dimensions="3 2">
        1         2
        3         4
        5        6

with a 2 by 3 cells and (because is rectilinear) 4 by 3 nodes.

Paraview said (Object Inspector->Information)

Type : Image (Uniform Rectilinear Grid)
Number of cells: 2   (why?????)
Number of Point : 6 (Why ????)

the node field (dep_x) is plotted over the cells and the cell field (Sigma) is not plotted at all.

and also the positions of the nodes are wrong (the image is in the yz plane and not in the xy).

paraview 3.8.1 and 3.9.0 (64 bit kubuntu)



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