This user community has been most helpful.  You have helped 
me learn how to drive ParaView.  I now have a Python 
program that I can run using pvPython to integrate the 
density along a line segment in a CFD solution.

I need to accomplish this from MATLAB.  I am thinking of 
doing this by calling VTK from MATLAB.  I notice that the 
binary distribution of VTK does not have any DLL's 
prebuilt, but ParaView does.  It appears from looking 
through the ParaView source that the C++ source has been 
built into a DLL that can be called from an external 
program.  Basically, for this application, I do not need 
the ability to view data, just process it.

I have a few questions:

1)  Is my understanding correct that the vtk DLL's in 
    the ParaView bin folder can be called directly from 
    an external program?

2)  Are these DLL's built from the C++ source files in the 
    VTK folder under the ParaView folder?  (I need to know 
    this because it may become necessary to rebuild this 
    set for other operating systems.)

3)  Does this mean that I don't really need to use CMake 
    to call ParaView/VTK from a top-level program?

4)  If my understanding is correct, is this documented 
    anywhere?  I have The ParaView Guide, The VTK User's 
    Guide, and The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-
    Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics.  The only thing I 
    have seen mentioned is the client/server sections in 
    The ParaView User's Guide.  Actually, this might even 
    be what I need.

Thanks for your help,
Hamilton Woods

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