For VRML it looks like our ancient reader does not support aliasing.
If you can configure the code that created vmd1.wrl to inline the
VMDCyl and VMDMat, I suspect that ParaView will read it.

For our equally ancient OBJ it does appear that we do not support mtl
files. The vtkOBJReader.cxx has a comment (following) that describes
the small subset of OBJ that it will read. I was able to read the file
with 3.10 with a debug build, but not a release build, which indicates
an uninitialized variable in the reader, which I should be able fix
for 3.10 final.

Please suggest modernizing these readers on user voice and if enough
people chime in we'll get it into 3.10.1 or 4.10.


This is only partial support for the OBJ format, which is quite complicated.
To find a full specification, search the net for "OBJ format", eg.:

We support the following types:

v <x> <y> <z>


vn <x> <y> <z>

    vertex normal

vt <x> <y>

    texture coordinate

f <v_a> <v_b> <v_c> ...

    polygonal face linking vertices v_a, v_b, v_c, etc. which
    are 1-based indices into the vertex list

f <v_a>/<t_a> <v_b>/<t_b> ...

    polygonal face as above, but with texture coordinates for
    each vertex. t_a etc. are 1-based indices into the texture
    coordinates list (from the vt lines)

f <v_a>/<t_a>/<n_a> <v_b>/<t_b>/<n_b> ...

    polygonal face as above, with a normal at each vertex, as a
    1-based index into the normals list (from the vn lines)

f <v_a>//<n_a> <v_b>//<n_b> ...

    polygonal face as above but without texture coordinates.

    Per-face tcoords and normals are supported by duplicating
    the vertices on each face as necessary.

l <v_a> <v_b> ...

    lines linking vertices v_a, v_b, etc. which are 1-based
    indices into the vertex list

p <v_a> <v_b> ...

    points located at the vertices v_a, v_b, etc. which are 1-based
    indices into the vertex list


David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x109

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Peter C. Lai <> wrote:
> Hello
> We need to export molecular structures and surface renders from UIUC's VMD
> to OBJ with color/material support into Paraview for use with VisBox.
> Paraview 3.8.1 and 3.10-RC1 both crash while trying to render the OBJ files
> here:
> Segfaults after hitting 'Apply'.
> Furthermore I read somewhere that the vtk OBJ reader does not read or process
> MTL files? Is this something that can be fixed? We'd really like surface
> colors and transparency to be imported from the mtl file...
> Also Paraview will also crash reading in VMD output to VRML2 with a segfault:
> The VMD developers at UIUC are certain these are problems with Paraview and
> not their software...
> One final method might supportable is: output POV-Ray from VMD and then
> convert it to something that Paraview will read. Any ideas on that?
> Thanks
> --
> ===============================================================
> Peter C. Lai                 | University of Alabama-Birmingham
> Programmer/Analyst           | BEC 257
> Genetics, Div. of Research   | 1150 10th Avenue South
>                  | Birmingham AL 35294-4461
> (205) 690-0808               |
> ===============================================================
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