Hi anybody,

I am trying to run a very simple python script:

from paraview.simple import *
view = servermanager.GetRenderView()

using pvbatch:

mpirun -np 8 pvbatch script.py

to obtain a png image from some data in a HDF5 file referenced from a
XDMF file specified in the state file. 

This is an extract of the XDMF file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Xdmf Version="2.0">
  <Grid Name='grid' GridType='Collection' CollectionType='Spatial'>
   <Time Type='Single' Value='2.386'/>
   <Grid Name="core-0" GridType="Uniform">
        ...data of core-0...
   <Grid Name="core-1" GridType="Uniform">
        ...data of core-1...
   <Grid Name="core-151" GridType="Uniform">
        ...data of core-151...

So there is an spatial collection with 152 groups because that is the
number of CPU's that worked in that simulation. Everything works fine if
the number of cpu's passed to mpirun is a factor of 152 (1, 2, 4, 8, 19,
38, 76 or 152), and it goes faster as more cpu's are used, but it does
nothing (not even crash or shows any error) if the number of cpu's is
not a factor of 152 (3, 5, 6, 17, 151, etc.). Is this the expected
behavior or am I doing something wrong?

I have also found that with new 3.10 RC1 version the overall performance
when generating images in this way has decreased when compared with
3.8.1 version. 
Has anybody experienced something similar?

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Chiva Segura

Centre Tecnològic de Transferència de Calor (CTTC)
Lab. Termotècnia i Energètica - Dept. Màquines i Motors Tèrmics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Adreça: C/Colom 11, E-08222, Terrassa (Barcelona)
 Campus: Terrassa
 Escola: ETSEIAT
 Edifici: TR4
 Planta: 1ª planta
 Despatx: Laboratori de termotècnia i energètica, despatx Nº 167

Tlf   : 93 739 80 04
Fax   : 93 739 89 20
e-mail: jor...@cttc.upc.edu


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