Hi everybody (long time no posting messages here...)

I'm writing to revive a very old problem I have when visualizing parallel

When we load parallel data (pieces of model given to several processes/cpus)
the image appears with some "artifacts". In fact, these artifacts are just
the parallel interface among processes (in other words, shared data).
Something like this:

The "Clean to Grid Filter" can be used to remove these artifacts (and, in
fact, it really happens if we use the filter).

Ok, so..., what's the problem?

The problem is that "Clean to Grid" seems to be unable in producing ghost
point information in order to combine scalar and vector fields and the
results are not shown correctly (

Some possible solution I could imagine:

-- Supply ghost information to ParaView. Ok, it would be the best solution,
the question is: -- Does Xdmf format already support it? What about Ensight?

-- Force Clean To Grid Filter guess about the ghost point (in my case,
they'll be always those points removed by clean to grid by default)

Any other idea?


Renato N. Elias
Professor at Technology and Multilanguage Department (DTL)
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
Nova IguaƧu, RJ - Brazil

Researcher at High Performance Computing Center (NACAD)
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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