The following wiki page talks about how to color using arrays:

The easiest way to figure out Python code equivalents is to use the
Trace functionality to generate python trace files for actions
performed in the GUI (accessible from Tools menu). You "Start Trace",
do a set of actions and then "Stop Trace" and you should be able to
view the resulting Python code.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Nico Schlömer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just taking first steps with ParaView's Python interface and
> figured out so far that
> ================ *snip* ================
> exodusReader = ExodusIIReader( FileName="solution.e" )
> Show( exodusReader )
> Render()
> ================ *snap* ================
> would plot the mesh that is stored in the ExodusII file solution.e,
> and that can play around with GetActiveView() to adjust camera angles
> and such.
> What I haven't found out though is how to plot actual point data. I get
>>>> exodusReader.PointData[:]
> [Array: GlobalNodeId, Array: PedigreeNodeId, Array: A, Array: psi,
> Array: thickness]
> and l'm looking at the 2-component array "psi". For example, I'd like
> to do something like
>    res =  sqrt( component1**2 + component2**2 )
> and have res[:] rendered on the mesh with a certain color map.
> Any hints?
> Cheers,
> Nico
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