
sorry if I did not explain fully. After reading your data, it is the active 
source. if you instantiate a ProgrammableFilter (PF), it takes wake_out as its 
input. But you can also set it explicitly as the source.
inside the PF, you have VTK objects, so you can use VTK methods. Here is a 
script that works for me. The last point is to manually create a spreadsheet, 
because I just don't find a python command for it.

I load this as "paraview" and it scales the data just fine.

Jean M. Favre
Swiss National Supercomputing Center

try: paraview.simple
except: from paraview.simple import *

wake_out = CSVReader(FileName="/tmp/histogram.csv",FieldDelimiterCharacters = ',',HaveHeaders = 0)
wake_out.UpdatePipeline()  # this is necessary!  blank objects otherwise...

pf1 = ProgrammableFilter()
pf1.OutputDataSetType = 'vtkTable'
pf1.CopyArrays = 1
pf1.RequestUpdateExtentScript = ''
pf1.PythonPath = ''
pf1.RequestInformationScript = ''
pf1.Script = 'import vtk\ninput = self.GetInput()\nscale = 1.0/input.GetRowData().GetArray(0).GetRange()[1]\nnewcol0 = vtk.vtkDoubleArray()\nnewcol0.SetName("New-col")\nnewcol0.DeepCopy(input.GetColumn(0))\nfor i in range(newcol0.GetNumberOfTuples()):\n  newcol0.SetValue(i, scale * newcol0.GetValue(i))\noutput = self.GetOutputDataObject(0)\noutput.AddColumn(newcol0)'


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