
Can you create a bug report with the code attached as a patch please.

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:23 PM, kenichiro yoshimi
<rccm.kyosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to save data including VTK_POLYHEDRON meshes through "Save
> Data" with "EnSight format", but the polyhedrons couldn't be written.
> Probably, the reason is that vtkEnSightWriter doesn't support
> VTK_POLYHEDRON. In my case, I change the following and work well:
>  1. replace all "VTK_CONVEX_POINT_SET" with "VTK_POLYHEDRON".
>  2. vtkEnSightWriter.cxx: l.620
>  //element conenctivity information
>  for (k=0;k<CellsByElement[elementType].size();k++)
>    {
>    int CellId=CellsByElement[elementType][k];
>    vtkIdList *PointIds=input->GetCell(CellId)->GetPointIds();
>    for (int m=0;m<PointIds->GetNumberOfIds();m++)
>      {
>      int PointId=PointIds->GetId(m);
>      this->WriteIntToFile(NodeIdToOrder[PointId],fd);
>      }
>    }
> ----------------------->
>  if (elementType != VTK_POLYHEDRON)
>    {
>    //element conenctivity information
>    for (k=0;k<CellsByElement[elementType].size();k++)
>      {
>      int CellId=CellsByElement[elementType][k];
>      vtkIdList *PointIds=input->GetCell(CellId)->GetPointIds();
>      for (int m=0;m<PointIds->GetNumberOfIds();m++)
>        {
>        int PointId=PointIds->GetId(m);
>        this->WriteIntToFile(NodeIdToOrder[PointId],fd);
>        }
>      }
>    }
>  else
>    {
>    //number of faces per elements
>    for (k=0;k<CellsByElement[elementType].size();k++)
>      {
>      int CellId=CellsByElement[elementType][k];
>      int numFaces=input->GetCell(CellId)->GetNumberOfFaces();
>      this->WriteIntToFile(numFaces,fd);
>      }
>    //number of nodes per faces
>    for (k=0;k<CellsByElement[elementType].size();k++)
>      {
>      int CellId=CellsByElement[elementType][k];
>      vtkCell *cell = input->GetCell(CellId);
>      for (int m=0;m<cell->GetNumberOfFaces();m++)
>        {
>        int numNodes=cell->GetFace(m)->GetNumberOfPoints();
>        this->WriteIntToFile(numNodes,fd);
>        }
>      }
>      //element connectivity information
>      for (k=0;k<CellsByElement[elementType].size();k++)
>        {
>        int CellId=CellsByElement[elementType][k];
>        vtkCell *cell = input->GetCell(CellId);
>        for (int m=0;m<cell->GetNumberOfFaces();m++)
>          {
>          vtkIdList *PointIds=cell->GetFace(m)->GetPointIds();
>          for (int n=0;n<PointIds->GetNumberOfIds();n++)
>            {
>            int PointId=PointIds->GetId(n);
>            this->WriteIntToFile(NodeIdToOrder[PointId],fd);
>            }
>          }
>        }
>      }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Can anyone tell me if these modifications are correct?
> Please advice
> Thanks,
> yoshimi
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