Hi Jean-Philippe,

probably the easier thing that you can try is to open your file as a
"cvs"  file directly from Paraview...you will get a table. To that
table you can apply a filter, like for example "Table to points", and
then choose to colour you points according to you "intensity".

Otherwise it depends on how you data are organised spatially... maybe
your data can be organised like structured points... or can be
converted in some of the VTK legacy format described on this document:

Hope it helps... even if I suppose that 20 millions of points could
require some time on small machines.



2011/12/20 JEAN-PHILIPPE ROBERGE <jproberg...@hotmail.com>:
> Hello everybody!
> I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure this out and I would
> really
> appreciate if anyone could give a little help here... :)
> I want to load about 20 millions points for which I have their 3D
> coordinnates
> (X, Y, Z) and also their intensity. The goal would be to color all the
> points
> as a function of their intensity level. Does anyone know if there's already
> a
> reader that can do that?
> Otherwise, does anyone know how I could achieve that? I don't have a lot of
> python skills or great Paraview knowledge, but I'm ready to work hard since
> this is for the "results" section of my master thesis :)
> Thank you so much to all of you,
> Jean-Philippe
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