I've tried saving an animation (tecplot sequence with 83 time steps) on
Windows 7 64 bit using the binary executable available from paraview.org
but it shows the same image (1st frame) for all frames whereas playing
the sequence it displays each frame properly. As a test I loaded
can.ex2, played the sequence which worked properly, tried saving it as
animation and again it showed the 1st frame throughout the resulting
avi. As another test I downloaded the 32 bit version of paraview-3.12.0
and was able to save animation of can.ex2 that provided correct output.
And for kicks, I built linux version from source using ffmpeg plugin
which also worked correctly.

It is a 64 bit machine (dual boot Windows 7 and CentOS 5) with 12 GB RAM
and users often have large datasets so using 32 bit version is not
optimal. Unfortunately, most users are more comfortable with and prefer

Has anyone else run into similar issues - is there a fix/patch?


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