I am a very new user of Paraview - and am just learning its capabilities. I
am importing a series of CSV  files - creating points and Delaunay polygons
- and then using the Calculator filter to create vectors to plot with the
Glyph tool.  But when I use the calculator - one of the "Point Data" fields
is not numeric - and when I write my formula (which does not use the
non-numeric field) and hit "Apply"  -  thje Output message says 

ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\source\VTK\Graphics\vtkArrayCalculator.cxx, line 304

vtkPVArrayCalculator (000000000B39EAE0): Invalid array name: 'Name'

(the name of the non numeric field is "name").

I tried renaming this field in the input file - and this didn't work.  So I
removed the non-numeric field completely from the input file - and the
calculator did work.

So, I have the option of editing all of my input files - so they don't have
non-numeric fields - or there is some way of getting Paraview to not choke
on this field - or I'm missing something obvious right in front of my nose?
Any help is appreciated.




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