Dear Utkarsh,

Thanks for your advice.
I could surely get view object and set center of rotation.

...And I found input assistant by hitting tab key
on Python editor.
It's very useful to find unknown properties!


On 2012/03/19, at 23:37, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

>> But I Couldn't find function as "Center of Rotation"
>> on Adjust Camera panel.
>> How can I control it with Python?
> Try:
>> view = GetActiveView()
>> view.CenterOfRotation = [0, 0, 0]
>> And also I want to get a ParaView's Python reference.
>> We can find scripting tutorials on Users' Guide or Wiki,
>> but it's very difficult to find unpopular functions.
>> Is there a document on which all Python functions
>> are introduced?
> Nothing exhaustive, but that maybe a good idea. In general you can
> always do help(object) to discover properties, or use tracing
> mechanism to determine how to change a particular entity.
> Utkarsh

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