We encountered a problem when reading a text tecplot file using both VisIt
reader and the old Paraview reader.
The coordinates (at least the Z component in the sample test) (not the X,
Y, Z, as scalar variables) are taken from different variable than the X, Y,
Z themselves. Due to that problem some filters that use the coordinates
fail, for instance "Plot on intersection curves".
Attached is a file that demonstrates that problem.

Open the file->information tab->bounds, The Z range is actually the one of
the K variable, Z as a scalar variable is correct (about ~2)
Try to use Plot On Intersection Curves using Z Normal nothing comes out,
attempt to fix the default coordinates of the plot filter does not help.
Only overriding the coords with the calculator and saving K to a different
variable (again with the calculator) makes it possible to use the file, it
is a very annoying solution, however it bypasses the bug.
I will appreciate it very much if a fix that corrects that bug will be

Attachment: cylinder_test.tp
Description: Binary data

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