If it helps, here's the source code and attached is a sample binary file:

void QuadTree::writeBinaryVTK(string file_name, vtk_data_format format){

    CaslInt num_of_nodes, num_of_cells, num_of_leaf_cells;

    CaslInt     node_of_cell[4];

    const QuadCell *cell = this -> get_cells();

    const QuadNode *node = this -> get_nodes();

    double x, y, z;

    CaslInt i_max, j_max;

    CaslInt i_min, j_min;

    num_of_cells = this -> number_of_cells();

    num_of_nodes = this -> number_of_nodes();

    ofstream binWriter(file_name.c_str(), ios::binary);

    binWriter << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0 \n";

    binWriter << "Quadtree Mesh \n";

    binWriter << "BINARY \n";

    binWriter << "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID \n";

    binWriter << "POINTS " << number_of_nodes() << " double \n";

    for (CaslInt n=0; n<num_of_nodes; n++){

        x = this -> x_fr_i(node[n].i);

        y = this -> y_fr_j(node[n].j);

        z = 0.0;

        binWriter.write((char*)&x, sizeof(double));

        binWriter.write((char*)&y, sizeof(double));

        binWriter.write((char*)&z, sizeof(double));


    num_of_leaf_cells = 0;

    for (CaslInt n=0; n<num_of_cells; n++){

        if ( cell[n].is_leaf() ) num_of_leaf_cells++;


    binWriter << "\n";

    binWriter << "CELLS " << num_of_leaf_cells << " " <<
5*num_of_leaf_cells << "\n";

    for (CaslInt n=0; n<num_of_cells; n++){

        if ( cell[n].is_leaf() ){

            i_min = cell[n].imin;

            j_min = cell[n].jmin;

            i_max = cell[n].imax();

            j_max = cell[n].jmax();

            node_of_cell[0] = this -> get_node_by_coordinates(i_min,j_min);

            node_of_cell[1] = this -> get_node_by_coordinates(i_max,j_min);

            node_of_cell[2] = this -> get_node_by_coordinates(i_max,j_max);

            node_of_cell[3] = this -> get_node_by_coordinates(i_min,j_max);

            int num_of_childs = 4;

            binWriter.write((char*)&num_of_childs, sizeof(int));

            binWriter.write((char*)&node_of_cell[0], sizeof(int)*4);



    binWriter << "\n";

    binWriter << "CELL_TYPES " << num_of_leaf_cells << "\n";

    int cell_type = 9;

    for (CaslInt n=0; n<num_of_leaf_cells; n++)
binWriter.write((char*)&cell_type, sizeof(int));

    binWriter << "\n";

    switch (format){

    case POINT_DATA:{

        binWriter << "POINT_DATA " << num_of_nodes << "\n";



    case CELL_DATA:{

        binWriter << "CELL_DATA " << num_of_cells << "\n";






void QuadTree::writeBinaryVTK(ArrayV<double> &F, string data_name,
string file_name){

    ofstream binWriter(file_name.c_str(), ios::app | ios::binary);

    binWriter << "SCALARS " << data_name << " double \n";

    binWriter << "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n";

    double *pF = (double*)F;

    binWriter.write((char*)pF, sizeof(double)*F.size());



On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Mohammad Mirzadeh <mirza...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a problem getting pv open my binary file. It basically segfaults
> and terminates without any information. When I run in gdb I get:
> ERROR: In /build/buildd/paraview-3.8.1/VTK/IO/vtkDataReader.cxx, line 1910
> vtkUnstructuredGridReader (0x19f6890): Unsupported data type: 1
> Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
> 0x00007fffeaeb6597 in
> vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter::UnstructuredGridExecute(vtkDataSet*, vtkPolyData*)
> ()
>    from /usr/lib/paraview/libvtkGraphics.so.pv3.8
> Program terminated with signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
> Is there something wrong with my data file? I could send a sample file if
> needed. I basically followed http://www.vtk.org/VTK/img/file-formats.pdf to
> write the binary format.

Attachment: bin.vtk
Description: Binary data

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