What is your end goal? Volume rendering a collection of MRI volumes
(together? non-overlapping?) that may not be axis aligned? One way of doing
this in ParaView would be to convert them to unstructured grid (by using
clean-to-grid for example) but this comes at a large memory overhead and
performance overhead. The simpler and more efficient way of doing it is to
load each MRI volume as a separate image data and then use the
Transformation setting from the Display panel to position and orient them
as necessary. It would pretty straightforward to write a macro to do all of
this automatically given a particular file.

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Christoffer Green <
christoffer.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> What are your thoughts on the best file format to use when doing volume
> rendering in ParaView?
> I have been trying out the ensight format and the vtk format and find them
> less then ideal, is there anything better?
> Findings for ensight:
> ParaView does not appear to support volume rendering of ensight files due
> to it not supporting volume rendering of multi-block datasets and the
> ensight reader always imports things in multi block mode. There are ways to
> get around this (tetrahedralize together with calculator filter) but the
> end results appear to be extremely slow when volume rendering.
> Findings for vtk:
> Importing a volume of data as image data and volume rendering it works
> well but image data in the vtk format must always be aligned to the global
> orthogonal (x, y, z) axes so it cannot be rotated. Since we have multiple
> data files that all must be positioned and rotated in a scene (MRI volumes
> and image planes) this makes things uncomfortable. There is a transform
> filter in ParaView but after applying it to image data it changes the data
> type to curvalinear grid which ParaView cannot volume render.
> What are the alternatives?
> BR/ Christoffer
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