Dear all:

           I have an animation problem of a series of vtk image files (e.g.
vtkImage1.vtk to vtkImage100.vtk) together with a series of deformable
model made
from it (for example, dynamic lung mesh motion model, vtkMesh1.vtk to
vtkMesh100.vtk). I would like to make a simple animation video to show
the deformation of this model related to the images slices. I wonder if
there is way to automatically do add them as keyframes?  if not, need I
edit all of the 100 files in the animation editor as key frames?  It looks
a little bit boring if doing like this to edit the step or ramp function
for each time slots.
I have seen in some old question, after I load a vtk file series I can play
the vtk file series. However, when I click the play in the VCR menu,
there is no animation, all meshes are just fixed, not moving.  I do not
know if there is something I missed.
Thank you very much.

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