Two questions - is there a way to tell ctest where the ParaViewData is without 
having to go back into cmake and rebuilding? And 2, is there a way to tell 
ctest to not use MPIEXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS when running tests?

From: Andy Bauer []
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:32 PM
To: Vanmoer, Mark W
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Python interpreter not being created for coprocessing?

It looks like you've built it properly. At least I don't see anything that 
looks wrong. I think the reason you didn't get any coprocessing tests is that 
they depend on ParaViewDAta. Maybe the next step is to download ParaViewData 
(git://<>) and 
then set the location ParaViewData in cmake. After that, run the coprocessing 
tests (ctest -R CoProcess) and show me the output from that.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Vanmoer, Mark W 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Andy,

I set PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON to ON, is more needed? It did build pvpython, I 
don't know if that's separate thing entirely, though.
$ pvserver -version
paraview version 3.14.1-1549-g5f34f40

$ python -version
Python 2.6.6

$ cmake -version
cmake version 2.8.9

CMakeCache.txt is attached.

I also just noticed that ctest -R CoProcessing returns No tests were found!!!, 
yet it does have other tests.
Let me know what else you need.


From: Andy Bauer [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:49 AM
To: Vanmoer, Mark W
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Python interpreter not being created for coprocessing?

Hi Mark,

I think I can guess what the problem is but can't be certain without some more 
information. My guess is that you're using ParaView 3.14.1 for this and you're 
trying to use the fortran interface but haven't built ParaView with Python 
enabled. There were some dependency issues there that have been ironed out 
since then though. If that's not the case though I'll need more information on 
versions and maybe sending your CMakeCache.txt in your ParaView build directory.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Vanmoer, Mark W 
<<>> wrote:

I'm setting up someone's code to use coprocessing with OSMesa and 
openmpi/pgi/cuda fortran on NCSA's Forge using ParaView from the git repo. I'm 
getting segfaults and pgdbg gives me this error when coprocessorinitialize is 

[0] Signalled SIGSEGV at 0x2B62188CFD9A, function 
vtkCPPythonHelper::GetPythonInterpretor(), file 
 line 136
0x2B62188CFD9A:  48 8B 41 38            movq   56(%rcx),%rax

which is:
vtkPVPythonInterpretor* vtkCPPythonHelper::GetPythonInterpretor()
  return Instance->PythonInterpretor;

The call stack is
vtkCPPythonHelper::GetPythonInterpretor() line 136 in vtkCPPythonHelper.cxx
vtkCPPythonScriptPipeline::Initialize(const char *) line 69 in 
coprocessorinitialize_ line 88 in FortranAdaptorAPI.cxx

So is an Instance not getting created? I have the system python in my path.


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