Hi There!

right now i'm playing around with paraview and manta ray tracer. I got
Manta compile on my linux machine and got paraview compile with the manta

Now I'm trying to use the manta view in paraview with vtk data derived from
an OpenFoam case. The result is a crash that I don't understand:

7f08fff2f000-7f090366b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
7f090366b000-7f090366c000 rw-s 122f42000 00:05 7478
7f090366d000-7f090366e000 rw-s 122f40000 00:05 7478
7f090372f000-7f090373f000 rw-s 1150e2000 00:05 7478
7f090388f000-7f09038a1000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 9044062
/SYSV00000000 (deleted)
7f0903981000-7f0903a81000 rw-s 11c594000 00:05 7478
7f0903bc1000-7f0904343000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 8978494
/SYSV00000000 (deleted)
7f0904343000-7f0904344000 rw-s 1278e3000 00:05 7478
7f0904344000-7f0904345000 rw-s 127e34000 00:05 7478
7f09045ba000-7f09046b8000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 9568362
/SYSV00000000 (deleted)
7f09046b8000-7f09046dd000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 9470057
/SYSV00000000 (deleted)
7f09046dd000-7f0904708000 rw-s 00000000 00:04 9437288
/SYSV00000000 (deleted)
7f0904708000-7f0904709000 rw-s 11d082000 00:05 7478
7f0904709000-7f090470a000 rw-s 11d081000 00:05 7478
7f090470a000-7f090470b000 rw-s 11d080000 00:05 7478
/dev/dri/card0Thread "RTRT Worker 0"(pid 23818
1. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Core.so(+0x412d0) [0x7f08eb3272d0]
2. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x364a0) [0x7f092cb534a0]
3. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x7f092cb53425]
4. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x17b) [0x7f092cb56b8b]
5. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x7439e) [0x7f092cb9139e]
6. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x7eb96) [0x7f092cb9bb96]
7. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Model.so
  in Manta::Mesh::~Mesh()
8. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Model.so
  in Manta::Mesh::~Mesh()
9. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Model.so
  in Manta::Group::shrinkTo(unsigned long, bool)
  in vtkMantaActorThreadCache::FreeMantaResources()
  in Manta::CallbackTransaction::apply()
c. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Engine.so
  in Manta::RTRT::postTransactions(bool&)
d. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Engine.so
  in Manta::RTRT::internalRenderLoop(int, bool)
e. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Core.so
  in Manta::Thread::run_body()
f. /usr/local/lib/libManta_Core.so(+0x44728) [0x7f08eb32a728]
10. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x7e9a) [0x7f0929dd3e9a]
11. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f092cc10cbd]
 139677424109440: main (state = blocking on semaphore,
 139676715988736: RTRT Worker 0 (state = running)

Abort signalled by pid: 23818
Occured for thread: "RTRT Worker 0"

Has anyone any idea? Running Manta standalone works

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