Hi Johannes,

Very recently, we have improved the VR API and related tools and now
the VR plugin comes with a GUI to configure connection managers and
interactor styles.

The way it works now is that you create a connection manager (lines
475 - 483), which will be generated by the GUI if used, and then for
the styles,
you would link it with the ID of the proxy and its specific property
that you want to control. Now said that the GUI shows you the name of
the proxy and not the ID
for obvious reasons. Then depending upon the type of the proxy and
property you specify a particular input from a HCI device. Currently
we support analog, button, and tracker.

The wiki here is bit old:
We wrote a source article as well: http://www.kitware.com/source/home/post/66

This recent work is not in master yet (hopefully this Friday) but you
can checkout this branch: vtk_vr_improvements_new_gui
if you want to from paraview stage repository. The branch contains
bunch of bug fixes, and API improvements.

475   <VRConnectionManager>
476     <VRUIConnection name="vrui" address="localhost" port = "8555">
477       <Button id="0" name="1"/>
478       <Button id="1" name="2"/>
479       <Button id="2" name="3"/>
480       <Tracker id="0" name="head"/>
481       <Tracker id="1" name="wand"/>
482     </VRUIConnection>
483   </VRConnectionManager>
484   <VRInteractorStyles>
485     <Style class="vtkVRTrackStyle" proxy="267"
486       <Tracker name="vrui.head"/>
487     </Style>
488     <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxy="267"
489       <Tracker name="vrui.wand"/>
490       <Button name="vrui.1"/>
491     </Style>
492    </VRInteractorStyles>

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Johannes Zarl <johannes.z...@jku.at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to configure ParaView for a CAVE-like environment. So far
> I was able to set up the pvservers correctly and even make headtracking over
> VRPN work.
> Myself, I'm more of a newbie concerning ParaView, so I'm having some trouble
> understanding the state-file and how to define a wand-device so that ParaView
> can use it.
> As far as I understand it, the VRPlugin reads the VRConnectionManager and
> VRInteractorStyles tags from the state-file and makes the connection to the
> server.
> The Styles in VRInteractorStyles are supposed to reference a proxy name, that
> they are then attached to. So in this example:
> <VRInteractorStyles>
>    ...snip...
>   <Style class="vtkVRStyleGrabNTranslateSliceOrigin"
> origin="CutFunction.Origin">
>    <Button name="travel.2"/>
>    <Tracker name="travel.wand"/>
>   </Style>
>   <Style class="vtkVRStyleGrabNRotateSliceNormal" normal="CutFunction.Normal">
>     <Button name="travel.3"/>
>     <Tracker name="travel.wand"/>
>   </Style>
> </VRInteractorStyles>
> The state-file should have a node <ProxyCollection name="CutFunction"> defined
> somewhere?
> How do I define such a CutFunction? What other Proxies are there that can be
> defined/connected to a tracker/button/analog device?
> Cheers,
>   Johannes
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| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com

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