I have written a paraview reader plugin using vtk to read simulation results 
from an in house code. The reader produces several time varying vtkPolyData 
objects. Right now I have to manually add glyphs to these vtkPolyData objects 
in order to visualize them. Since the reader can be made to know which glyph to 
add to each vtkPolyData object I would like to automate this. How can I add 
glyphs inside a reader?

Dr Bert Tijskens
Industrial research manager
DEM Research Group
Dept Biosystems, Div. MeBioS, KU Leuven

Kasteelpark Arenberg 30, B3001 Leuven
phone:                 ++32-16-328595
fax:                        ++32-16-328590
mobile:                ++32-479-983854

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