I already had this problem with Paraview 3.14.1 but I received no answer to a first email, so I tried to investigate on my own since the problem is still present in release 3.98.0.

Paraview can not open a Pixie file (it's a HDF5 format included through the VisIt Database Bridge) when the file includes one timestep only: Paraview just hangs indefinitely.
Everything works fine when multiple timesteps are contained in the file.

I suspect that the problem is connected to lines 618-634 in

  //in some case the times and cycles have all zero values.
  //This is caused by a file reader that generates the time value
  //once the reader moves to that timestep.
  //That kind of behaviour is not possible currently in ParaView. Instead
  //we will force the reader to generate the time values for each timestep
  //by cycling through everytime step but not requesting any data.
  if(hasTime && timesteps[0] == timesteps[timesteps.size()-1])
    //we have hit a timestep range that needs to be cycled
    for(int i=0; i < timesteps.size();++i)
      //Nek and other readers don't update the time info intill you
      //call gettimes.
The condition is true not only when the same value (0?) has been assigned to all the timesteps but also when there is one timestep only (timesteps.size() = 1). Besides these lines were not present in Paraview 3.10/3.12 and these releases
were able to open Pixie files containing one timestep only.

Is it possible to fix this problem? That would be highly appreciated.

Claudio Zanni
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino
Via Osservatorio 20
10025 Pino Torinese (TO), Italy
tel. +39 011 8101907
fax  +39 011 8101930

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