Hi everyone,

I am trying to write a .pvtu file so I can run paraview in parallel. My code 
works and paraview displays the 4 vtu files properly. Now I am trying to modify 
the <Piece Source="fields-0000-0000.vtu"/> path so that the field-0000-000*.vtu 
files do not have to be in the same directory as the .pvtu file. I managed to 
successfully implement the path changes for accessing the .vtu files when they 
are either one directory up or down

<Piece Source="../fields-0000-0000.vtu"/>    ## this accesses the file one 
directory up

<Piece Source="level1/fields-0000-0000.vtu"/> ## this accesses the file in the 
directory level1 which is within the directory in which the .pvtu file is

My question is how I would have to change the path syntax to be able to access 
the fields-...-.vtu files in a completely different directory? 

<Piece Source="~/home/tom/fields-0000-0000.vtu"/> ##this syntax doesn't work
<Piece Source="/home/tom/fields-0000-0000.vtu"/> ##this syntax doesn't work 

Can I access the files if they are stored on a different node (while running 
paraview in parallel)?

<Piece Source="node14:/scratch/tom/fields-0000-0000.vtu"/> ##this syntax 
doesn't work either...


Here's my .pvtu file


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="PUnstructuredGrid">
<PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel="0">
<PDataArray type="Float64" Name="displacements" NumberOfComponents="3"/>
<PDataArray type="Float64" Name="velocities" NumberOfComponents="3"/>
<PDataArray type="Float64" Name="stresses" NumberOfComponents="9"/>
<PDataArray type="Float32" NumberOfComponents="3"/>
<Piece Source="fields-0000-0000.vtu"/>
<Piece Source="fields-0000-0001.vtu"/>
<Piece Source="fields-0000-0002.vtu"/>
<Piece Source="fields-0000-0003.vtu"/>

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