How to Get Active Selection and Extract it?

I'm struggling with a problem.
I want to write a filter, that copies selected points form a vtkPolyData into a 
vtkDataObject without using the apply button, I try to use 3 custom buttons in 
order to copy the data into different Objects. Aim is to access the point data 
of the selected points. I've already tried this in Python and it works as 
Doing the same in C++ doesn't seem as straight forward as it was in Python...

How can I pass the output port from a vtkSMSourceProxy to a vtkAlgorithm input 
port. Is there any way to do that?
My code looks very similar to this:

  vtkSMProxyManager* pxm = vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager();

  vtkSMSessionProxyManager* spxm = pxm->GetActiveSessionProxyManager();

  vtkSMProxySelectionModel* selmodel = spxm->GetSelectionModel("ActiveSources");

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> FilterProxy =

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> SourceProxy =

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> active_selection =

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkExtractSelection> ExtrSelFltr = 

  ExtrSelFltr-> SetInputConnection(0, 
  ExtrSelFltr-> SetInputConnection(1, 
active_selection->GetOutputPort((uint)0));   //Not the right way!


The functionality I want to implement written in Python:

def GetSelectionSource(proxy=None):
    """If a selection has exists for the proxy (if proxy is not specified then
       the active source is used), returns that selection source"""
    if not proxy:
        proxy = GetActiveSource()
    if not proxy:
        raise RuntimeError, \
        "GetSelectionSource() needs a proxy argument of that an active source 
is set."
    return proxy.GetSelectionInput(proxy.Port)

active_selection = GetSelectionSource()
# Create extract selection
Extr_Sel = ExtractSelection(Selection=active_selection)
# Access raw data of Extr_Sel
Extr_Sel_raw = servermanager.Fetch(Extr_Sel)

Any comment is appreciated and
thanks in advance.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Martin Schröder, FIEA
MTU Aero Engines GmbH
Engineering Systems (CAE)
Dachauer Str. 665
80995 Muenchen

Tel  +49 (0)89  14 89 57 20
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