(I should really reading email fully :) )

So, you've got the DragNDrop part correct. Now you need to fix your
plugin similar to how ParaView fixes the plugins it packages. Look at
what one of the plugins does e.g. vistrails.cmake and

install_vistrails.cmake uses fixup_plugin.py to fix the hdf5/cgns dependencies.

I'd recommend creating <yourplugin>.cmake and
install_<yourplugin.cmake> files modelled on the vistrails example and
get you plugin built and fixedup as part of the superbuild process
itself. Hope that helps.


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit
<utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com> wrote:
> Peter,
> The application generated under install/Applications in not supported
> to be used directly. Try running cpack once the build has completed to
> generate the complete app and that should work.
>> cd <superbuild-build dir>
>> make
>> cpack -G DragNDrop
> Utkarsh
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Peter Schmitt <pschmit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having trouble with running ParaView built via the SuperBuild.  I've
>> tried setting ParaView GIT_TAG in versions.cmake to "v3.98.0" and "master"
>> (as of Feb 4 at 5:00pm MST) on my Mac OSX-10.7.5 with Xcode-4.4.1.
>> There are two problems I keep running into:
>> 1.  When I launch
>> open install/Applications/paraview.app
>> or
>> ./install/Applications/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
>> I get the run-time error:
>> Dyld Error Message:
>> Library not loaded: libhdf5.7.3.0.dylib
>> Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
>> Reason: image not found
>> 2.  I tried running
>> ctest
>> cpack -G"DragNDrop"
>> and I get the same behavior with install/Applications/paraview.app. I can
>> run paraview.app in the dmg file generated by cpack.  However, when I try to
>> load a custom plugin, I get:
>> ERROR: In
>> /Users/schmitt/paraview/opt/ParaView-3.98.1_RC1_OSX-10.7/paraview/src/paraview/ParaViewCore/ClientServerCore/Core/vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx,
>> line 296
>> vtkPVPluginLoader (0x7fa8fce2c2e0):
>> dlopen(/Users/schmitt/paraview/paraview_svn/trunk/plugins/vtkLFMReader/build-v3.98.1_RC1/libvtkLFMReader.dylib,
>> 1): Library not loaded: libhdf5.7.3.0.dylib
>> Referenced from:
>> /Users/schmitt/paraview/paraview_svn/trunk/plugins/vtkLFMReader/build-v3.98.1_RC1/libvtkLFMReader.dylib
>> Reason: image not found
>> The command
>> otool -L
>> /Users/schmitt/paraview/paraview_svn/trunk/plugins/vtkLFMReader/build-v3.98.1_RC1/libvtkLFMReader.dylib
>> shows the full path to every library except the following two:
>> libhdf5.7.3.0.dylib (compatibility version 7.3.0, current version 1.8.9)
>> libhdf5_hl.7.3.0.dylib (compatibility version 7.3.0, current version 1.8.9)
>> Another confusing data point:  it seems there are two versions of hdf5
>> ( and installed:
>> $ find . -name libhdf5.\*dylib
>> ./_CPack_Packages/Darwin/DragNDrop/ParaView-3.98.1-RC2-Darwin-64bit/paraview.app/Contents/Libraries/libhdf5.1.8.9.dylib
>> ./hdf5/src/hdf5-build/bin/libhdf5.1.8.9.dylib
>> ./hdf5/src/hdf5-build/bin/libhdf5.7.3.0.dylib
>> ./hdf5/src/hdf5-build/bin/libhdf5.dylib
>> ./install/lib/libhdf5.1.8.9.dylib
>> ./install/lib/libhdf5.7.3.0.dylib
>> ./install/lib/libhdf5.dylib
>> If you're wondering, these are the CMake settings I used:
>>  BUILD_TESTING                    ON
>>  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
>>  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES          x86_64
>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk
>>  ENABLE_acusolve                  OFF
>>  ENABLE_boost                     ON
>>  ENABLE_cgns                      ON
>>  ENABLE_cosmologytools            OFF
>>  ENABLE_diy                       ON
>>  ENABLE_ffmpeg                    ON
>>  ENABLE_freetype                  ON
>>  ENABLE_hdf5                      ON
>>  ENABLE_libxml2                   ON
>>  ENABLE_manta                     OFF
>>  ENABLE_matplotlib                ON
>>  ENABLE_mpi                       ON
>>  ENABLE_numpy                     ON
>>  ENABLE_paraview                  ON
>>  ENABLE_png                       ON
>>  ENABLE_qhull                     ON
>>  ENABLE_qt                        ON
>>  ENABLE_silo                      ON
>>  ENABLE_szip                      ON
>>  ENABLE_visitbridge               OFF
>>  ENABLE_vistrails                 OFF
>>  ENABLE_zlib                      ON
>>  PV_NIGHTLY_SUFFIX                64bit-NIGHTLY
>>  QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE              /usr/bin/qmake
>>  USE_SYSTEM_mpi                   OFF
>>  USE_SYSTEM_python                ON
>>  USE_SYSTEM_qt                    OFF
>> Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
>> Thanks!
>> Pete
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