Just as a followup, it looks like this error arises when loading *any*
source, including the built-in ones such as cone, disk, etc.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Ryan Abernathey

> Hello,
> I have been running paraview in client server mode. I recently decided to
> upgrade my setup for version 3.14 to the latest version. My client version
> is now 3.98.1 64-bit on Mac OS 10.7.5. It works fine.
> On the server, I build paraview from source with MPI support following the
> online instructions. I updated my git repository, which apparently gave me
> version 3.98.1-112-g9dd3ee9. Is this correct? Is this a stable version? I
> don't understand the subtleties of git.
> The build goes fine, and I am able to run pvserver and connect to it from
> my client as usual.
> The problem arises when I try to read in a VTK file. This file worked
> absolutely fine on the server in version 3.14. It also works fine on my
> local machine in 3.98.1. However, when I try to load it on the server in
> version 3.98.1-112-g9dd3ee9, I get this error:
> /Users/kitware/Dashboards/MyTests/NightlyMaster/ParaViewSuperbuild-Release/paraview/src/paraview/ParaViewCore/ClientServerCore/Core/vtkPVArrayInformation.cxx,
> line 721
> vtkPVArrayInformation (0x11ca92270): Error parsing range of component.
> In the information tab, the data range shows as
> THETA: double [1e+299,-1e+299]
> To me this looks like an error in endianness or something like that.
> (For reference, the vtk file is online here:
> http://www-pord.ucsd.edu/~rpa/THETA.0000000000.vtr)
> I don't understand this error. I fear that I am using some sort of
> unstable development branch, but I don't know how to check out / build a
> different version.
> Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
> -Ryan Abernathey
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