Hmm, how about trying replacing those two lines with:
    ParallelImageDataWriter1 = CreateCPWriter( XMLPImageDataWriter,
"fullgrid_%t.pvti", 1, cp_writers )

Let me know how that goes.

If not, I think we'll need to put some print statements in there.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Pettey . Lucas <> wrote:

> Yes I did. I have attached the latest script.
> Thank you for your valiant efforts in trying to solve this problem.
> Lucas
> ________________________________
> From: Andy Bauer []
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:22 PM
> To: Pettey . Lucas
> Cc: paraview []
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> Did you also include the w.UpdatePipeline() part after the writer was
> created? It won't create the file unless that's in there.
> Andy
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Pettey . Lucas <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Changing to Scalars=['POINTS','psi01'] did not change anything. I still
> get the same error and blank image.
> I tried adding the XMLPImageDataWriter command, but no file
> 'fullgrid.pvti' was produced so I can't tell what is being populated into
> the grid.
> I hardwired the C++ adaptor to 'psi01' rather than the character array
> name in case their was a problem with the way the string was passed. I had
> checked that name contained the correct characters, but I figured
> hardwiring would be safer at this stage.
> Anything else that you think I should try?
> Thanks,
> Lucas
> ________________________________
> From:<>
> [<>] on
> behalf of Andy Bauer [<
> >]
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 12:49 PM
> To: Pettey . Lucas
> Cc: paraview [<>]
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> I think the problem is that:
> Clip1 = Clip( guiName="Clip1", InsideOut=0, Scalars=['POINTS', ''],
> Value=95.0, UseValueAsOffset=0, Crinkleclip=0, ClipType="Scalar" )
> Should probably have the name of the point data field set in it. Do this
> with (assuming psi01 is the name of the field you want to clip with respect
> to:
> Scalars=['POINTS', 'psi01']
> My guess is that the scalar field isn't getting set properly. Try adding
> in:
> w = XMLPImageDataWriter(Input=psi01_, FileName = 'fullgrid.pvti')
> w.UpdatePipeline()
> right after the CreateProducer() method to see what's in your grid.
> By the way, does adding in the "//char(0)" work for converting Fortran
> strings to C/C++ strings (e.g. in "call addfield(psi,"psi01"//char(0))") ?
> If it does, will it also work for Fortran77? That's a neat little trick!
> Andy
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Pettey . Lucas <<mailto:
>><<>>> wrote:
> I have solved the C++ to Fortran array issues, but I am still not getting
> a meaningful visualization. I have attached the latest files, including a
> screenshot of the exported state and the resulting image that is produced
> by the coprocessor.
> The coprocessor is generating an error:
> /Users/lucaspettey/ParaView-git/ParaView/VTK/Filters/General/vtkTableBasedClipDataSet.cxx,
> line 1956
> vtkPVClipDataSet (0x7feaa4998550): no input scalars.
> This error is not appearing at the time=0 co-process, but it is appearing
> each time step the co-processor is being asked to write an image. All of
> the images are the same blank axes as in the attached image0.png.
> I'm not sure what to try next so any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Lucas
> ________________________________________
> From:<
> ><<mailto:
>>> [<mailto:
> <>>] on behalf of Pettey . Lucas [
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:45 AM
> To: Andy Bauer
> Cc: paraview [<><mailto:
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> So after some troubleshooting it seems that C++ doesn't like the complex
> data type the way Fortran is sending it.
> The code runs when I just send a real value. Images appear, but of course
> they are meaningless since it isn't the correct data. I may try passing the
> real and imaginary separate. I may also look into row/column order issues
> although this grid is 100x100x100 so it shouldn't affect anything.
> Lucas
> ________________________________________
> From:<
> ><<mailto:
>>> [<mailto:
> <>>] on behalf of Pettey . Lucas [
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:12 AM
> To: Andy Bauer
> Cc: paraview [<><mailto:
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> Hi Andy and Berk,
> Here is the error that I am receiving.
> I know that it is initializing ok and failing at the first call to the
> co-processor. I have attached my python script output as well as my test
> code and adaptors.
> CoProcessingExample(19247,0x7fff77470180) malloc: ***
> mmap(size=3739605888335872) failed (error code=12)
> *** error: can't allocate region
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> Operating system error: Cannot allocate memory
> Memory allocation failed
> Thanks for the help,
> Lucas
> From: Andy Bauer [<
> ><<>>]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:08 AM
> To: Pettey . Lucas
> Cc: Berk Geveci; paraview [<mailto:
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> Hi Lucas,
> Can you share your co-processing script and any run output? There may be
> warnings in the output or info in the script that will help figure that out.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Pettey . Lucas <<mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
> Hi Berk,
> Thanks for the help.
> I found that this example is written based on an earlier version of VTK so
> some of the function calls have changed. Based on your advice and some of
> the examples contained in the ParaView wiki, I have gotten it to compile
> and run.
> Now I just have to figure out why it isn't generating any VTK objects....
> Probably something wrong with my python co-processing script.
> Thanks
> Lucas
> ________________________________
> From: Berk Geveci [<
> ><<>><mailto:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 6:48 PM
> To: Pettey . Lucas
> Cc: paraview [<><mailto:
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] CoProcessing with Fortran and ParaView 3.98
> You can simply delete this line:
> Grid->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(2);
> It is redundant given the following later:
> field->SetNumberOfComponents(2);
> You also need to #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>.
> Best,
> -berk
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Pettey . Lucas <<mailto:
>><<>>>>> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to run a simple Fortran coprocessing example with a complex
> data type. I am following the example here:
> I have written a basic Fortran code that outputs the data in binary,
> opened that in ParaView, output the coprocessing script and then written
> the adaptor following the example in the above link. My adaptor looks like:
> extern "C" void createcpimagedata_(int* nx, int* ny, int* nz)
> {
>   if (!ParaViewCoProcessing::GetCoProcessorData()) {
>     vtkGenericWarningMacro("Unable to access CoProcessorData.");
>     return;
>   }
>   // The simulation grid is a 2-dimensional topologically and geometrically
>   // regular grid. In VTK/ParaView, this is considered an image data set.
>   vtkImageData* Grid = vtkImageData::New();
>   // assuming dimZ == 1 for now
>   Grid->SetDimensions(*nx, *ny, *nz);
>   Grid->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(2);
>   // Setting the Origin and Spacing are also options.
>   // Name should be consistent between here, Fortran and Python client
> script.
> ParaViewCoProcessing::GetCoProcessorData()->GetInputDescriptionByName("input")->SetGrid(Grid);
> }
> // Add field(s) to the data container.
> // Separate from above because this will be dynamic, grid is static.
> // Might be an issue, VTK probably assumes row major, but
> // omeg probably passed column major...
> // by hand name mangling for fortran
> extern "C" void addfield_(double* scalars, char* name)
> {
>   vtkCPInputDataDescription *idd =
> ParaViewCoProcessing::GetCoProcessorData()->GetInputDescriptionByName("input");
>   vtkImageData* Image = vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(idd->GetGrid());
>   if (!Image) {
>     vtkGenericWarningMacro("No adaptor grid to attach field data to.");
>     return;
>   }
>   // field name must match that in the fortran code.
>   if (idd->IsFieldNeeded(name)) {
>     vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> field =
> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New();
>     field->SetNumberOfComponents(2);
>     field->SetName(name);
>     field->SetArray(scalars, 2* Image->GetNumberOfPoints(), 1);
>     Image->GetPointData()->AddArray(field);
>   }
> }
> I am getting some errors from the Makefile generated by Cmake:
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:40:38: error: too few arguments
> to function call, expected 2, have 1
>   Grid->SetNumberOfScalarComponents(2);
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/ParaView-git/ParaView/VTK/Common/DataModel/vtkImageData.h:298:3:
> note: 'SetNumberOfScalarComponents' declared here
>   static void SetNumberOfScalarComponents( int n, vtkInformation*
> meta_data);
>   ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:67:5: error: unknown type name
> 'vtkSmartPointer'; did you mean 'vtkSmartPointerBase'?
>     vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> field =
> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New();
>     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     vtkSmartPointerBase
> /Users/lucaspettey/ParaView-git/ParaView/VTK/Common/Core/vtkOStreamWrapper.h:36:7:
> note: 'vtkSmartPointerBase' declared here
> class vtkSmartPointerBase;
>       ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:67:20: error: expected
> unqualified-id
>     vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> field =
> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New();
>                    ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:68:5: error: use of undeclared
> identifier 'field'
>     field->SetNumberOfComponents(2);
>     ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:69:5: error: use of undeclared
> identifier 'field'
>     field->SetName(name);
>     ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:70:5: error: use of undeclared
> identifier 'field'
>     field->SetArray(scalars, 2* Image->GetNumberOfPoints(), 1);
>     ^
> /Users/lucaspettey/codes/BEC/coprocVTK.cxx:71:37: error: use of undeclared
> identifier 'field'
>     Image->GetPointData()->AddArray(field);
>                                     ^
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Lucas
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