Dear Dave, Aashish,

Thank you very much for your responses.

I'm sorry, I tried dummy buttons with both v3.98.1 and current master
ParaView sources, but they didn't help me. Also, I'm still able to select
visibility with grab world style from ParaView's UI (in master sources).
Btw, my 3d mouse has 2 buttons ( Here is one of
snippets from state file I tried:

   <VRPNConnection name="vrconnection" address="device0@localhost">
      <Button id="0" name="MyRightButton"/>
      <Button id="1" name="MyLeftButton"/>
      <Button id="2" name="MyDummyButton"/>
      <Analog id="0" name="MyAnalog"/>
      <Tracker id="0" name="MyTracker"/>
    <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxyName="RenderView1" proxy="269"
      <Button role="Reset world" name="vrconnection.MyLeftButton"/>
      <Button role="Rotate world" name="vrconnection.MyRightButton"/>
      <Button role="Translate world" name="vrconnection.MyDummyButton"/>
      <Tracker role="Tracker" name="vrconnection.MyTracker"/>

Do you have some other idea?


On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Aashish Chaudhary <> wrote:
> Also,
> This does not look right:
>  <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxy="2125" property="Visibility">
> Can you try current master of ParaView and re-create the interactions
config? It should not allow you to select visibility with grab world style.
> - Aashish
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:01 AM, David Lonie <>
>> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Nenad Vujicic <> wrote:
>> > Hello everyone!
>> >
>> > I'm trying to make my Space Navigator working in ParaView v3.98.1 on my
>> > Windows 8 machine. I built sources without problems (using VS2012,
with qt
>> > 4.8.4, python 2.7.3, boost 1.53.0, OpenMPI 1.6.2, VRPN 07_30 - all
>> > in x64 mode) with turned on PARAVIEW_USE_VRPN and
>> > PARAVIEW_BUILD_PLUGIN_VRPlugin (+ flags for enabling shared libraries,
>> > python, mpi, visit bridge, etc). But, I'm unable to make it working
from Qt
>> > client. Here are my running steps:
>> >
>> > 1. I start vrpn_server in background (with enabled line with my
>> > When I test it with vrpn_print_devices, everything works OK - whenever
>> > touch my device, vrpn client prints some values,
>> > 2. I start ParaView's Qt client, load VR plugin, create Cone sourse,
>> > VR connection and Interactions and push Start button,
>> > 3. I click on Cone source or "built in:" node in Pipeline Browser and
>> > my Space Navigator but nothing changes (except vrpn_server reports
>> > connection is established). Actually, for some actions like pushing
>> > (on 3d mouse) I get several instances of following warning in Output
>> >
>> > "Generic Warning: In
>> > ..\..\..\..\ParaViewCore\ServerManager\Core\vtkSMPropertyHelper.cxx,
>> > 439
>> >
>> > Call not supported for the current property type."
>> >
>> > I get same behavior when I save options from my VR Panel to state file
>> > load it. Here is VR content from state file:
>> >
>> > <VRConnectionManager>
>> >     <VRPNConnection name="vrconnection" address="device0@localhost">
>> >       <Button id="0" name="MyRightButton"/>
>> >       <Tracker id="0" name="MyTracker"/>
>> >     </VRPNConnection>
>> >   </VRConnectionManager>
>> >   <VRInteractorStyles>
>> >     <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxy="2125"
>> >       <Button role="Reset world" name="vrconnection.MyRightButton"/>
>> >       <Button role="Rotate world" name="vrconnection.MyRightButton"/>
>> >       <Button role="Translate world"
>> >       <Tracker role="Tracker" name="vrconnection.MyTracker"/>
>> >     </Style>
>> >   </VRInteractorStyles>
>> >
>> > I hope I made some small mistake:-). Can anyone suggest where could be
>> > problem?
>> It's a bit odd to map all of the actions to the same button. Does your
>> input device only have a single button? The GrabWorldStyle requires a
>> button press to rotate or translate the view, but that same button is
>> also resetting any modifications it makes (since "Reset world" is
>> mapped to MyRightButton along with translate/rotate). These should
>> each be set to unique buttons.
>> Try using other buttons for reset/translate/rotate world. You can add
>> "dummy" buttons to the VR config if needed, just set the button's "id"
>> number higher than your device supports.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Dave
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> --
> | Aashish Chaudhary
> | R&D Engineer
> | Kitware Inc.
> |
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