I want to set the installation directory using the Superbuild script, but it 
seems to be ignoring the value

My cmake command looks like:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/people/angel/pv-test/3.98.1_osmesa \
-Ddownload_location=`pwd`/../Downloads \
-DENABLE_boost=ON \
-DENABLE_cgns=ON \
-DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
-DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
-DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
-DENABLE_osmesa=ON \
-DENABLE_numpy=ON \
-DENABLE_paraview=ON \
-DENABLE_python=ON \
-DENABLE_silo=ON \
-DENABLE_szip=ON \
-DGIT_EXECUTABLE=/usr/cta/CSE.20130220/Release/git- \
-DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=ON ../Source

When I run "make install" it get a clean build, but the installation directory 
is in Build/install  rather than /usr/people/angel/pv-test/3.98.1_osmesa.    If 
I drop into the Build/paraview directory and rerun cmake to change the 
installation directory and then rerun "make install", I get the proper 
installation.       Am I setting the wrong variable when I run the cmake 
command?    This is the correct variable as described in the wiki page at 

I'm seeing this with 3.98.1 and 4.0.0rc2

Rick Angelini

USArmy Research Laboratory
CISD/HPC Architectures Team
Building 120 Cube 315
Phone:  410-278-6266
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