OK, looks like I should have read the manual before firing off that
question.  Sorry about that.  It looks like the Query option lets you
select multiple elements by ID.  This seems to work fine for querying by id
when I enter in:


for instance, but if I try to query by GlobalElementId (I've got an Exodus
file), this doesn't work:


This gives a Python error:
    flag = np.concatenate(([True], aux[1:] != aux[:-1]))
ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions

The following works, but it's cumbersome if I have more than a couple IDs:
(GlobalElementId==1) | (GlobalElementId==2)

Any suggestions on the right syntax to use contains() to select multiple
elements by GlobalElementId?


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Benjamin Spencer <benjamin.spen...@inl.gov
> wrote:

> Also, is there any way to create a selection by specifying multiple IDs
> like the old Selection Inspector let you do?  It looks like the Find Data
> dialog box just lets you select one entity at a time.
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Benjamin Spencer <
> benjamin.spen...@inl.gov> wrote:
>> Never mind, I just realized that this was answered.  It's in the Find
>> Data dialog.  I still don't see where the option to select cells that
>> include selected points is, though.
>> -Ben
>> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Benjamin Spencer <
>> benjamin.spen...@inl.gov> wrote:
>>> There has been a lot of discussion on the list about the Selection
>>> Inspector being replaced with the Selection Display Inspector in ParaView
>>> 4.x.  The Selection Display Inspector has the controls related to how the
>>> selection is displayed and labeled, but I can't find the other controls
>>> that were in the old Selection Inspector that allowed the user to
>>> manipulate the selection.  The ones I use most often are selecting by IDs
>>> and the option to select cells that include the selected points.  I've
>>> looked around, but haven't been able to find their equivalent in the new
>>> version.  If someone could point out where those have moved, I'd appreciate
>>> it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben
>>> Benjamin Spencer
>>> Fuels Modeling and Simulation
>>> Idaho National Laboratory
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